Accident reconstruction expert Dr. John Lloyd has served attorneys nationwide for 25+ years in biomechanics, human factors, helmet testing and motorcycle expert
Motorcycles are considerably more complex to operate than cars, and riders are significantly more vulnerable to potentially devastating injuries. Motorcycle crashes may be caused by a number of factors, including rider error or inexperience, excessive speed, other driver distraction, carelessness or inattention, roadway or mechanical defects, and weather related hazards. For these reasons, a motorcycle crash expert is critically important in a motorcycle crash case.
Dr. Lloyd’s interest in motorcycling began at the age of 13, when he built his first motorcycle and learned to ride. Since that time he has amassed many years of technical expertise. In addition to holding a PhD in Ergonomics (Human Factors), with a specialization in Biomechanics, John holds several certifications in motorcycle accident reconstruction.
Based on his 38+ years of riding and advanced training as a motorcyclist, he is one of a few experts who have been admitted in court to testify regarding motorcycle handling and operation.
Using his FAA part 109 pilot’s license, Dr. Lloyd can fly drones to generate 3D forensic maps of crash scenes for reconstruction purposes. Based on his PhD in human factors / ergonomics, John is qualified to address human factors issues including line of sight analysis, perception response time (PRT), distracted driving and impairment. Given his extensive experience as a senior researcher in biomechanics, with a specialization in head and brain injury biomechanics, including research and development of helmets, Dr. Lloyd is also uniquely qualified to opine on injury biomechanics and motorcycle helmet protection issues.
Links to several of Dr. Lloyd’s articles pertaining to motorcycle accident reconstruction and biomechanical evaluation of motorcycle helmets are presented below:
The following is a case study in which biomechanics expert, Dr. John Lloyd, evaluated the risk of concussion and brain injury associated with headrest impact in rear end crashes.
Headrest Impact Test Apparatus:
In accordance with prior published test methods[1],[2],[3], a test apparatus was constructed to evaluate the biomechanical protection afforded by an exemplar automobile headrest against head and brain injuries during occipital head impacts in a simulated rear-end motor vehicle collision.
The apparatus involves a pendulum arm, attached by bearing housings to a weighted base. The upper body, including neck and head of a 50th percentile Hybrid III crash test dummy was mounted to the pendulum arm. Data acquisition was initiated by triggering an electromechanical release mechanism, allowing the mannequin to fall, under acceleration due to gravity, until the crash test dummy impacted the headrest and backrest (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Test apparatus
The fundamental elements and principles of this testing have been utilized in other laboratories. By utilizing a Hybrid III neck, the head impact tests are more realistic, causing head rotation at the axis between the head and neck, which produces measures of head and brain angular kinematics. The methods presented herein are based upon standardized test methodologies and published research.
Four PCB Piezotronics tri-axial accelerometers (model # 356A01) were mounted in an X,Y,Z array at the center of mass of the Hybrid III headform, along with a tri-axial angular rate sensor produced by Diversified Technical Systems (composite Figure 2).
Figure 2: Sensor installation in Hybrid III headform
Sensor Calibration:
All sensors were calibrated by the manufacturer. Verification of calibration of the linear accelerometers was performed prior to testing using a calibration shaker. Results indicate that the sensors were operating in the specified frequency range and output (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Pre-test verification of linear accelerometer sensors
For the angular rate sensor, a simple validation method was devised in which the sensor was affixed to a digital goniometer that was rotated through a 90-degree angle. Using LabVIEW software, the integral of angular rate was computed, reflecting concurrence with the digital goniometer for all three planes of motion (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Pre-test validation of angular rate sensor calibration
Headrest Impact Testing:
The mannequin head was raised from the headrest in 2-inch increments from 2 inches to 30 inches, generating head impact speeds from 1 to 25 miles per hour. Two headrest positions were evaluated, along with two different Hybrid III necks representative of a stiff and relaxed neck (Figure 5), for a total of sixty tests.
Figure 5: Test apparatus with Hybrid III loose neck and headrest in lower position
Data Acquisition and Analysis:
Data from the analog sensors were acquired in accordance with SAE J211 [4], using a National Instruments compact DAQ data acquisition system and LabVIEW software (National Instruments, Austin, TX). The raw data was then filtered in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) using a phaseless eighth-order Butterworth filter with cutoff frequencies of 1650 Hz and 300Hz for the linear accelerometers and angular rate sensors, respectively.
Angular acceleration values for sagittal, coronal and axial planes were computed from the angular velocity data using the 5-point central difference by least squares method (Equation 1):
Equation 1: Five-point central difference by least squares method
Angular acceleration vales were also derived from the array of linear accelerometers, by the mathematical method documented by Padgaonkar et al [5].
Linear velocity was calculated by integrating linear acceleration. Mathematical methods were performed using Matlab to compute characteristic values from variables of interest. Figure 6, below illustrates peak linear acceleration and angular velocity associated with a 6.8 mph occipital head impact against a headrest.
Figure 6: Linear acceleration and angular velocity associated with headrest impact
It is noted that the major component of linear acceleration was in the X-axis (anterior-posterior), while the major component of angular velocity was in the sagittal plane, as expected.
Linear acceleration values were used to calculate Maximum Pressure (Equation 2), Gadd Severity Index (GSI) (Equation 3), and Head Injury Criterion (HIC15) (Equation 4).
Equation 2: Maximum Pressure
Equation 3: Gadd Severity Index
The Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is an empirical measure of impact severity describing the relationship between the linear acceleration magnitude, duration of impact and the risk of head trauma (Equation 4).
Equation 4: Head Injury Criterion
where a is resultant head acceleration, t2-t1 < 15 msec
With reference to the Figure 7, below, the HIC value is used to predict the risk of head trauma: Minor –skull trauma without loss of consciousness; nose fracture; superficial injuries Moderate – skull trauma with or without dislocated skull fracture and brief loss of consciousness. Fracture of facial bones without dislocation; deep wound(s) Critical – Cerebral contusion, loss of consciousness for more than 12 hours with intracranial hemorrhaging and other neurological signs; recovery uncertain.
Figure 7: Probability of specific head trauma level based on HIC value
Peak angular velocity was determined as the maximum angular velocity related to peak linear acceleration impact time. Angular velocity values were used to derive Maximum Principal Strain (MPS) (Equation 5), Cumulative Strain Damage Measure (CSDM) (Equation 6), and Brain Rotational Injury Criterion (BrIC) (Equation 7).
Equation 5: Maximum Principal Strain
Equation 6: Cumulative Strain Damage Measure
An analysis method validated by Takhounts [6] establishes physical injury criteria for various types of traumatic brain injury and uses Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) data to establish a kinematically based brain injury criterion (BrIC) for use with ATD impact testing. This method was utilized to express risk of diffuse brain injury according to the revised AIS scale [7] in terms of peak angular head kinematics, where:
Equation 7: Brain Rotational Injury Criterion
Headrest Impact Results:
A summary of key results is presented in Table a-d, below. The driver was aware of the pending impact, as he depressed the accelerator in an attempt to avoid the collision in the moments prior to the crash. In rear end collision tests involving human subjects, volunteers instinctively tensed their neck muscles as a protective response. Given that the driver anticipated the crash his neck muscles were likewise expectedly tense as an instinctive protective response. Therefore, the results most consistent with the subject case are presented in Tables a and b. Rows highlighted in green are consistent with change in velocity experienced by the driver during the subject crash.
Table a: Summary of test results – Neck – Stiff; Headrest – lower position
Table b: Summary of test results – Neck – Stiff; Headrest – upper positio
Table c: Summary of test results – Neck – Loose; Headrest – lower position
Table d: Summary of test results – Neck – Loose; Headrest – upper position
Skull Fracture
With reference to Ono 8, none of the impact tests approached the occipital skull fracture threshold of 140 g for impacts lasting longer than 7 milliseconds. Therefore, vehicle headrests provide excellent protection against acute skull fractures at impact speeds below 25 mph.
Traumatic Head Injury
With reference to Figure 7 and Tables a-d, maximum recorded HIC values were consistent with a 5 percent or less risk of moderate traumatic head injury. Whereas, the HIC value computed at impact speeds similar to the crash was only 3.4, at which the risk of minor or moderate traumatic head injury is negligible.
Mild Concussion
With reference to Figure 8 below, the risk of an occupant sustaining a mild concussion in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-1 = 31.744*ln(x) + 6.1748 (R2=0.67). The risk of and AIS-1 mild concussion, without post-concussion syndrome, in such an impact is 64.3% (range 59.7 to 68.8%).
Figure 8: Risk of mild concussion (AIS-1) associated with headrest impact
Severe Concussion
With reference to Figure 9, below, the risk of an occupant sustaining a severe concussion in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-2 = 0.198e0.234x (R2=0.85). The risk of severe concussion in such an impact is 0.85% (range 0.70 to 1.07%).
Figure 9: Risk of severe concussion (AIS-2) associated with headrest impact
Traumatic Axonal Injury:
Figure 10, below, is adapted from Margulies et al. 20 in which thresholds for axonal injury were developed and published based on mathematical modeling, animal testing and physical experiments. Results from occipital head impact against an exemplar headrest at a speed of 6.2 miles per hour are represented, indicating that rotational head and brain kinematics associated with such impact are well below scientifically-accepted thresholds for traumatic axonal injury.
Figure 10: Scientific Thresholds for Axonal Injury
Figure 11, below was generated from data presented in Tables a through d, to present the risk of traumatic axonal injury associated with head impact against an headrest.
Figure 11: Risk of traumatic axonal injury (AIS-4) associated with headrest impact
Results show that the risk of an occupant sustaining traumatic axonal injury in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-4 = 0.0271e0.2391x (R2=0.85). The risk of traumatic axonal injury in an impact of the magnitude experienced by the driver is 0.12% (range 0.10 to 0.15%).
Biomechanical testing of head and brain injury risk associated with occipital head impact against a headrest, in accordance with published methods, shows a significant risk (59.7 to 68.8%) of AIS-1 mild concussion, without post-concussion syndrome, in a 6.2 mph rear-end collision. However, the risk of an AIS-2 severe concussion in such an impact decreases to 0.70 to 1.07%, and the risk of traumatic axonal injury is only 0.10 to 0.15%. Moreover, the mechanical traumatic axonal injury is not consistent with a sagittal plane impact.
[1] Caccese V, Lloyd J, Ferguson J (2014) An Impact Test Apparatus for Protective Head Wear Testing Using a Hybrid III Head-Neck Assembly. Experimental Techniques.
[2] Lloyd J & Conidi F. (2015). Brain Injury in Sports. Journal of Neurosurgery. October.
[3] Lloyd J. (2017). Biomechanical Evaluation of Motorcycle Helmets: Protection Against Head and Brain Injuries.Journal of Forensic Biomechanics.
[4] SAE (2014) J211/1. Instrumentation for Impact Test – Part 1 – Electronic Instrumentation. Society of Automotive Engineers International, Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, Warrendale, PA.
[5] Padgaonkar AJ, Krieger KW and King AI. Measurement of Angular Acceleration of a Rigid Body using Linear Accelerometers. J Applied Mechanics. Sept 1975.
[6] Takhounts EG, Craig MJ, Moorhouse K, McFadden J (2013) Development of Brain Injury Criteria (BrIC). Stapp Car Crash Journal 57: 243-266.
[7] Abbreviated Injury Scale (2008) Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Des Plaines, IL.
Motorcycles are highly sensitive to changes in roadway conditions. Potholes can destabilize a motorcycle, causing the rider to lose control. The following is a case in which a rider claimed he was traveling at only 15 miles per hour, when he came upon a large pothole in the roadway and lost control. The motorcycle fell to the right, with the right foot peg penetrating the rider’s leg, leading to a near amputation of his right foot. Dr. Lloyd was retained to investigate the cause of the motorcycle pothole crash.
Test Instrumentation
An exemplar Honda CBR 929RR motorcycle was acquired and instrumented with accelerometers installed on the front axle, rear axle and handlebars:
Data acquisition was controlled using a National Instruments cDAQ 9178 and acquired at 10 kHz per channel on a Windows tablet running LabVIEW software:
Pothole Crash Testing
Using the instrumented motorcycle, Dr. Lloyd constructed an exemplar pothole in an open parking lot using ramps to investigate how the length and depth of the pothole affected stability of the motorcycle. In addition to sensors, testing was recorded using high speed and standard video, as well as GoPro cameras mounted on the motorcycle
Based on analyses and physical evidence, that the speed of the motorcycle while crossing the roadway defect was likely 14 -18 miles per hour. At such speeds, the front and rear suspensions have a tendency to approach maximum compression. along with substantial deformation of the tires.
Dr. Lloyd determined that the motorcycle crash was caused due to the motorcycle accelerating as it crossed the pothole. When the rear wheel crossed the fore edge of the defect it lost contact with the roadway and the rear wheel speed increased without resistance. Upon contact with the aft edge of the roadway defect the rear wheel was at a higher rate of speed than the rest of the motorcycle, causing the motorcycle to unexpectedly wheelie.
Please call Dr. Lloyd at 813-624-8986 or email to discuss how he can be of help to you with your case.
Accidents involving commercial vehicles and truck accident typically involve extensive damage and more severe injuries to vehicle occupants due to the magnitude of forces involved.
Truck Accident Statistics
According to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) data, one person is injured or killed in a truck accident every 10 minutes.
In 2014 there were 213,000 trucking accident resulting in property damage only, 52,000 injury-causing accidents, and 1885 fatal crashes.
About half of all tractor-trailer accidents involve front-end collisions. Back end and side collisions occur in 15 and 12 percent of all crashes, respectively
The top 5 states in which fatal truck accidents occur include Texas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Georgia.
According to a 2016 AAA report, passenger car drivers spend about 290 hours on the road and travel an average of 10,900 miles each year, with atypical life of a passenger car of 8 years and 150,000 miles. Whereas, tractor-trailer operators may work up to 70 hours per week (55 hours driving time) and often travel 10,000 miles or more in a month. Tractors are typically kept in service for 6 years, during which time they can travel 600,000 miles or more. So, mile-for-mile, a tractor-trailer operator’s exposure is 10-fold that of a passenger car driver.
Who’s at fault?
Nearly 90 percent of all trucking accidents result from human error, rather than mechanical breakdown, equipment failure, bad weather or poor road conditions. Examples of human carelessness or recklessness responsible for causing truck crashes include:
Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Distracted driving — eating, using cell phones, applying makeup
Driver fatigue
Running red lights, speeding, failing to yield or otherwise violating traffic laws
While some accidents may involve human error on the part of the tractor-trailer operator, trucks and truck drivers are typically held to a higher standard of operation by Federal Laws and Regulations than passenger cars and drivers. Truck drivers need to successfully complete a more extensive driver training program than is required to drive a passenger car. Commercial vehicles are also inspected more thoroughly and on a more frequent basis.
In fact, more than 75% of truck driving accidents are caused by the driver of the passenger vehicle.
Truck Accident Expert
Dr. Lloyd has served as an expert for both defense and plaintiff’s counsel on a number of cases nationwide involving trucking accidents. Dr. Lloyd is uniquely qualified in that he is certified in accident reconstruction, is an internationally-recognized expert in injury biomechanics and can also address the unique human factors issues that affect tractor-trailer operators, such as visual perception and perceived reaction time.
Please call Dr. Lloyd at 813-624-8986 or email to discuss how he can be of assistance with your case.
To consider whether a motorcycle helmet might reduce the risk of brain trauma in a motorcycle accident it is first important to understand the two primary mechanisms associated with traumatic brain injury – impact loading and impulse loading, according to motorcycle helmet expert, Dr. John Lloyd.
Impact loading involves a direct blow transmitted primarily through the center of mass of the head, resulting in extracranial focal injuries, such as contusions, lacerations and external hematomas, as well as skull fractures. Shock waves from blunt force trauma may also cause underlying focal brain injuries, such as cerebral contusions, subarachnoid hematomas and intracerebral hemorrhages.
Whereas, impulse or inertial loading caused by sudden movement of the brain relative to the skull, produces cerebral concussion. Inertial loading at the surface of the brain can cause subdural hemorrhage due to bridging vein rupture, whereas if affecting the neural structures deeper within the brain can produce diffuse axonal injury (DAI).
Epidemiology Studies
Two major epidemiologic studies into the causation of motorcycle accidents have been conducted in North America and Europe: the Hurt Report and the MAIDS report. The Hurt Report showed that failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents. Seventy-five percent of accidents were found to involve a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, while the remaining 25% of accidents were single motorcycle accidents. Two-thirds of motorcycle-car crashes occurred when the car driver failed to see the approaching motorcycle and violated the rider’s right-of-way. Findings indicate that severity of injury increases with speed, alcohol motorcycle size and speed.
The MAIDS study (Motorcycle Accidents In Depth Study) is the most recent epidemiologic study of accidents involving motorcycles, scooters and mopeds, which was conducted in 1999 to investigate motorcycle accident exposure data across five European countries. Key findings show that passenger cars were the most frequent collision partner (60%), where 69% of the drivers report that they did not see the motorcycle and the predominance of motorcycle accidents (54.3%) occurred at an intersection.
In 1995, the European Commission Directorate General for Energy and Transport initiated a Cooperative Scientific and Technical Research (COST) program to investigate Motorcycle Safety Helmets. Several agencies from Finland, the United Kingdom, France and Germany participated in this study, which compiled and analyzed data from 4,700 motorcycle fatalities in Europe, each year. The COST report documents that 75% of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve head injury. Linear forces were present in only 31% of fatal head injuries, while rotational forces were found to be the primary cause in over 60% of cases. Within the scope of this study experiments were performed using drop tests with accelerometers to measure linear and rotational accelerations of the brain and skull mass associated with different types of impacts. These tests confirmed rotational acceleration to be a primary cause of brain injury in helmeted motorcycle accidents.
While the motorcycle helmet is currently the most effective means of protection for riders, data suggests that motorcycle helmets are only 37-42% effective in preventing fatal injury. By reducing the effects of blunt trauma to the head it is generally believed that risk of brain injury, including concussion, axonal injury and hematoma would also be reduced. However, the mechanisms of head and brain injury are very different. New research shows that these mechanisms are poorly coupled, contrary to previous beliefs.
Motorcycle helmet expert report that rotational forces acting on the brain are the underlying cause of traumatic brain injuries.
Motorcycle helmets, including those certified under DOT and SNELL standards are designed to mitigate forces associated with linear acceleration.
According to motorcycle helmet expert, helmets are not currently certified under either DOT or SNELL standard against their ability to protect against the angular / rotational forces.
Epidemiologic evidence from the COST-327 report indicates that motorcycle helmets do not provide adequate protection against closed head and brain injuries
New Research
Motorcycle helmet expert Dr. John Lloyd recently published a new study: Biomechanics of Motorcycle Helmets: Protection Against Head and Brain Injury. Testing proves that motorcycle helmets provide inadequate protection against concussion and severe traumatic brain injury associated with even relatively minor head impact
D-IBFES. Diplomat, International Board of Forensic Engineering Sciences
Present Appointments
President Lloyd Industries, Inc. San Antonio, FL.
Research Director BRAINS, Inc., San Antonio, FL.
Past Employment
2002-2022 Courtesy Assistant Professor Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
09/11-02/16 Director of Traumatic Brain Injury Laboratory / Program Specialist James A Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FL
08/09-09/11 AssociateDirector Veterans Administration, Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) / Rehabilitation Research and Development (RR&D) Research Center of Excellence, Tampa, FL
10/99-08/09 Director of Research Laboratories Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FL
05/98-05/00 Director of Information Systems UTEK Corporation, Plant City, FL
06/96-10/99 ActingDirector Center for Product Ergonomics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
01/96-05/96 Ergonomics Laboratory Manager/ Research Ergonomist Center for Product Ergonomics, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
07/93-01/96 Principal Ergonomist The Ergonomics Institute, Hauppauge, NY
07/92-07/93 Ergonomics /Biomechanics Consultant Biomechanics Corporation of America, Melville, NY
07/90-07/91 Research Ergonomist Liberty Mutual Research Center, Hopkinton, MA
12/88-07/90 Human Reliability Consultant R M Consultants Ltd., Warrington, Cheshire, England
Columnist for Ergonomics Intelligence Report, James Publishing, Santa Ana, CA
Book reviewer for Ergonomics In Design, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, Department of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC
Applied Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis, London
Ergonomics, Taylor and Francis, London
Department of Veterans Affairs HSR&D Scientific Merit Review Committee
Department of Veterans Affairs RR&D Scientific Merit Review Committee
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), grant reviewer for federal funding agency
Applied Ergonomics Journal
National Neurotrauma Society 2016 Symposium
Journal of Safety
New England Journal of Medicine
Nebraska University Press
Journal of Forensic Sciences
Grants and Funded Research
‘Biomechanical assessment of dynamic postural sway in healthy elderly.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by Institute for Aging. Awarded $7,500, 1996.
‘Redesigning patient handling tasks and equipment to prevent nursing back injuries.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by Department of Veterans Affairs RR&D. Awarded $305,000, 1997.
‘Effect of wrist exposures on median nerve conduction: Pilot study.’ Role: Co-Investigator. VA RR&D. Awarded $50,000, 1997.
‘Evaluation prototype: Exam room of the future.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by BHM Medical, Inc. and Department of Veterans Affairs. Awarded $60,000, 1998.
‘Patient Safety Center of Inquiry.’ Role: Associate Director and Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA HSR&D. Awarded $1,500,000, 1999.
‘VISN-Wide Deployment of a Back Injury Prevention Program for Nurses: Safe Patient Handling and Movement.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA HSR&D. Awarded $2.4 million, 2001.
Research Enhancement Award Program: ‘Safe Patient Mobility.’ Role: Associate Director and Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA HSR&D. Awarded $1.1 million, 2001.
‘Development and Validation of Measurement System to Quantify Spinal Compression.’ Role: Co-Investigator.’ Sponsored by VISN8 Patient Safety Center of Inquiry. Awarded $5,000, 2001.
Research Enhancement Award Program: ‘Technology to Prevent Adverse Events in Rehabilitation.’ Role: Associate Director and Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA RR&D. Awarded $1.35 million, 2002.
Enhancement of RR&D Research Laboratory Capabilities at the Tampa Veterans Administration Medical Center. Role: Principal Investigator. Sponsored by VA RR&D. Awarded $125,000, 2002.
‘Biomechanical assessment of wheelchair transfers toward upper extremity preservation in persons with SCI.’ Role: Co-Principal Investigator. VA RR&D. Awarded $50,000, 2002.
‘Patient Safety Center of Inquiry.’ Role: Associate Director and Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA HSR&D. Awarded $2,000,000, 2003.
‘Development of an Instrumented Mannequin for Restraint and Control Training,’ Role: Principal Investigator. Sponsored by Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Occupational Health and Safety. Awarded $75,000, 2003.
‘Validation of the Actiwatch as a Pain Treatment Outcome Measure.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA RR&D. Awarded $200,325, 2005.
‘Folding Motorized Prone-Cart.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by VA RR&D. Awarded $357,100, 2005.
‘Development of Force Gloves for Biomechanical Evaluation of Dynamic Patient Handling Tasks.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by University of South Florida Patient Safety Foundation. Awarded $7,000, 2005.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Patient Transport Activities.’ Role: Co-Investigator. Sponsored by University of South Florida Interdisciplinary Grant Program, Dane Industries, Inc. Awarded $25,000, 2005.
Tampa VA Shared Equipment Evaluation Program. VHA. Awarded $272,000, 2005.
‘Evaluation of Assistive Transfer Devices to Preserve UE Function in SCI.’ Role: Principal-Investigator. Sponsored by VA RR&D. Awarded $474,300, 2007.
Center of Excellence: ‘Maximizing Rehabilitation Outcomes.’ Role: Associate Director. Sponsored by VA HSR&D / RR&D. Awarded $4,100,000, 2009.
‘Development of Headwear to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries in Elderly Persons.’ Role: Co-Investigator / Biomechanist. Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, Small Business Innovation Research. Awarded $1,000,000, July 2010.
‘Threats to Skin Integrity Associated with Ceiling Lift Sling Use in Persons with SCI.’ Role: Principal Investigator. Sponsored by Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Occupational Health and Safety. $600,000, February 2011.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Techniques Associated with Prevention and Management of Disturbed Behavior – Phase 2’ VA Portland. Role: Principal Investigator. Awarded $60,000, February 2011.
Equipment grant for Traumatic Brain Injury program. VA RR&D. Role: Principal Investigator. Awarded $239,000, April 2011
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Techniques Associated with Prevention and Management of Disturbed Behavior – Phase 3’ VA Portland. Role: Principal Investigator. Awarded $68,700, December 2011.
Development and Evaluation of a Sling-Less Lift System. VA RR&D. Role: Principal Investigator. Awarded $730,000. ** best proposal score in history of JAHVA
Development of Motorcycle Helmets to Protect Against Traumatic Brain Injury. CDC / NCIPC. Role: Principal Investigator. $225,000. Submitted April 2015. Not funded
Lloyd JD and Baptiste A, “Patient Handling Technologies.” In: Charney, W (ed.). Handbook of Modern Hospital Safety, second edition. Taylor and Francis 2009
Pappas IP, Del Rossi, G, Lloyd J, Gutmann J, Sackellares CJ et al. Synchronization and network measures in a concussion EEG paradigm. In Models, Algorithms and Technologies for Network Analysis. 2014.
Lee WA and Lloyd JD “Biomechanical, Epidemiologic and Forensic Considerations of Pediatric Head Injuries” In Freeman MD and Zeegers M (eds). Forensic Epidemiology: Principles and Practice. Elsevier publishers, Oxford UK. 2016.
Scientific and Medical Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
Lloyd JD and Kelleher, V, (2000). Patient safety center of inquiry plans effective dissemination of its findings throughout the VA. Veterans Health System Journal Aug 55–56.
Nelson A, Owen B, Lloyd JD, Fragala G, Matz M, Amato M, Bowers J, Moss-Cureton S, Ramsey G and Lentz K, (2003) Safe Patient Handling and Movement: Preventing back injury among nurses requires careful selection of the safest equipment and techniques. American Journal of Nursing 103(3): 32–43
Barrett B, Phillips S, Lloyd J, Cowan L, Friedman Y et al. (2022) Evaluation of Protective Properties of Commercially Available Medical Helmets: Are Medical Helmets Protective? Journal of Patient Safety 18 (1).
Lloyd J. (2024). Traumatic Brain Injuries in Helmeted Motorcycle Crashes.STAPP Journal / SAE (pending).
Journal Articles (Non-Peer Reviewed)
Lloyd JD: (1995) Getting Injured Employees Back to the Workplace – Return to Work Planning. Workplace Ergonomics Magazine Steven Publishing, TX
Lloyd JD: (1995) A Holistic Ergonomic Approach for Successful Return to Work. Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters Society, Malvern, PA
Lloyd JD and Gross C: (1996) Ergonomic evaluation of pen design and writing characteristics. Ergonomics Intelligence Report James Publishing, Santa Ana, CA
Lloyd JD and Gross C: (1996) Biomedical stress test for carpal tunnel syndrome. Ergonomics Intelligence Report James Publishing, Santa Ana, CA
Lloyd JD: (1996) How to correctly set up an ergonomic office workstation. Ergonomics Intelligence Report James Publishing, Santa Ana, CA
Lloyd JD: (1996) A checklist for the evaluation of ergonomic stress at computer workstations. Ergonomics Intelligence Report, James Publishing, Santa Ana, CA
Gross C, Lloyd JD and Tabler R: Ergonomic Analysis of Pen Comfort and Wrist Dynamics While Writing. Unpublished. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Gross C and Lloyd JD: (1997) HumanTRAC: A New Method for Rapid Product Ergonomic Assessments. Unpublished. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Powell-Cope G, Moore H, Kearns W, Baptiste A, Lloyd JD, Applegarth S and Nelson A. (2005). The Case for Preventing Wandering and Associated Adverse Events for Veterans with Dementia. TIPS Nov/Dec 5(6): 3
Research Basis for the Development of a Dynamic Median Nerve Stress Test. Proceedings of American Occupational Health Conference. Orlando, FL, May 16, 1997
‘Work-related carpal tunnel syndrome’. Presented at Alabama Governor’s safety and health conference. Birmingham, AL. August 29, 2000
Lloyd JD and Westhoff O. Development of an Intelligent Mannequin for Research in Safe Patient Handling and Movement. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Clearwater, FL, March 2, 2006
Lloyd JD. Biomechanical Evaluation of Patient Transport Technologies – a project in development. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement conference. Clearwater, FL, March 2, 2006
Belsole RJ and Lloyd JD. Repetitive wrist movements: an adverse effect on median nerve conduction. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). 54th Annual Meeting, 1998.
Lloyd JD and Belsole RJ. Neurovascular considerations of median nerve neuropathy and implications for clinical diagnosis. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). 54th Annual Meeting, 1998.
Lloyd JD and Belsole RJ. Repetitive wrist movements: an adverse effect on median nerve conduction. University of South Florida Health Sciences Center Research Day, February 1999.
Lloyd JD, Nelson AL, Gross CM and Menzel N. Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks and Equipment to Prevent Nursing Back Injuries. Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Services Research and Development. 19th annual meeting, February 2001.
Lloyd JD. Repetitive Wrist Movements: Clinical Implications for Ergonomic Workplace Surveillance. International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety annual meeting, June 2005.
Lloyd JD. Clinical Biomechanics of Wheelchair Transfers and Repositioning Tasks in SCI. 20th Congress of the International Biomechanics Society and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, August 2005.
Lloyd JD and Harrow JJ. Clinical Biomechanics of Wheelchair Transfers in Spinal Cord Injury. American Paraplegic Society Annual meeting, September 2005.
Harrow JJ and Lloyd JD. Biomechanical Assessment of Pressure-Relief and Repositioning Tasks in Persons with SCI. American Paraplegic Society annual meeting, September 2005.
Lloyd JD and Harrow JJ. Clinical Biomechanics of Wheelchair Transfers in Spinal Cord Injury. American Association of SCI Nursing annual meeting, September 2005.
Harrow JJ and Lloyd JD. Biomechanical Assessment of Pressure-Relief and Repositioning Tasks in Persons with SCI. American Association of SCI Nursing annual meeting, September 2005.
Lloyd JD and Harrow JJ. Biomechanical Assessment of Independent Wheelchair Transfers in Persons with SCI. American Association of SCI Nursing annual meeting, September 2006.
Campbell RR, Lloyd JD and Gutmann J. VHA Trends in the total costs of care for the polytrauma cohort: Disproportionate impact of post-acute inpatient care. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
Lloyd JD, Gutmann J and Arslan O. Toward Biomechanical Understanding of Brain Kinematics Associated with TBI using cadaveric specimens. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
Lloyd JD, Gutmann J and Del Rossi G. Do Ill-Fitting Helmets Amplify the Risk of Head Injury Among Youth Football Players? – A Biomechanical Analysis, with Discussion for Applicability to Military Protection. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
Lloyd JD, Gutmann J, Craighead J & Del Rossi G. Do Helmets Prevent Concussion? 8th Annual Conference of Blast TBI, December 2011, Tampa.
Lloyd JD, Gutmann J, Craighead J & Arslan O. Biomechanics of Blast TBI. 8th Annual Conference of Blast TBI, December 2011, Tampa.
Lloyd JD & Lee WE. Biomechanics of Inflicted Head Trauma. Presented at 4th Penn State Hershey International Conference on Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, June 27-28, 2013, Burlington, VT.
Sackellares JC, Lloyd J & Vega D EEG of Concussive Impact in Football. Submitted to American Academy of Sports Neurology Sports Concussion meeting, July 2014. Chicago.
Lloyd J & Conidi F. Preventing Concussion in Sports – A Proposed Biomechanical Threshold. Submitted to American Academy of Sports Neurology Sports Concussion meeting, July 2014. Chicago.
Lloyd JD. Military Helmets May Provide Little Protection Against Traumatic Brain Injury. Presented at Military Health System Research Symposium, August 2014. Fort Lauderdale.
Lloyd JD & Conidi FX. Biomechanical Evaluation of Helmet Protection Against Concussion and TBI. Presented at International State-of-the-Science Meeting on the Biomedical Basis for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Environmental Sensor Threshold Values. November 2014. MacLean, VA.
Lloyd JD, Sabbagh J & Dickey C. Investigating the Effects of Mild Blast Injury on TBI Symptoms and Tau Pathology. Presented at International State-of-the-Science Meeting on the Biomedical Basis for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Environmental Sensor Threshold Values. November 2014. MacLean, VA.
Conidi FX and Lloyd JD. Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury in retired NFL Players. Correlation with Diffusion Tensor MRI Imaging and Neuropsychological Testing. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. 2016.
Lloyd J. Brain Injury in Sports. North American Brain Injury Society 13th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. 2016.
Lloyd J. Biomechanics of Motorcycle Helmet Protection. National Neurotrauma Society. 2016.
Lloyd JD: Controls and displays. In: Whalley S et al: Ergonomic guidelines for the offshore oil and gas industry. R.M. Consultants Ltd., Warrington, England, 1989.
Lloyd JD: Cumulative trauma disorders of the upper extremities – Experiment report: Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., Boston, MA, 1991.
Lloyd JD: A human factors approach to the design and implementation of mobile data terminals in British Gas service engineer’s vehicles. Thesis – University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England, 1992.
Nair C and Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of the N250 flight deck. PT. Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara, Indonesia, 1992.
Rome D, Ratner D, Braveman K and Lloyd JD: Mannequin tutorial. In: Mannequin High – ergonomics in design. Biomechanics Corporation of America, Melville, NY, 1992.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for heavy electronics manufacturing facility. Square D Company, Smyrna, TN, 1992.
Lloyd JD: AADCAS Phase II – a comprehensive anthropometry and reach study using sonic digitization techniques. Grumman Aircraft Systems, Grumman Corporation, Bethpage, NY, 1992.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic workplace assessment for materials handling operations. Fujitsu Network Transmission Systems Inc., Richardson, TX, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for a precision electronics assembly process. Fujitsu Network Transmission Systems Inc., Richardson, TX, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Corporate ergonomics program for safety and environmental compliance. Biomechanics Corporation of America, Melville, NY, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability, including NIOSH lifting evaluation. Philip Morris USA, Cabarrus Manufacturing Center, NC, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Engineering Workplace Assessment. Sony Music, Carrolton, GA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for aftermarket product manufacturing division. Allied Signal, Greenville, OH, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Wrist Stress Determination. U.S. Surgical Corporation, CT, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for heavy assembly operation. Nevamar Corporation, Odenton, MD, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for a medical laboratory. MetPath Laboratories, PA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for an office facility. Allied Signal, RI, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for packaging and warehouse activities. Allied Signal, Jackson Facility, TN, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for furnace operators. Climax Molybdenum Company, IA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for unskilled manufacturing tasks. Climax Molybdenum Company, Langeloth Plant, PA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic workplace assessment and cost benefit analysis for garment manufacturing facility. Bestop Inc. – Prepared for Ergonomics Solutions Group, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment for an aftermarket product manufacturing facility. Allied Signal, UT, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for sorting and packaging workstations. Allied Signal, Aftermarket Filter Division, NV, 1993.
Mitchell D, Nair C and Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for a vehicle servicing facility. Salt River Project, Tempe, AZ, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for paper manufacturing activities. Armstrong World Industries, Lancaster, PA, 1993.
Mitchell D, Costello K and Lloyd JD: Ergonomic assessment of risk and liability for gas construction and maintenance activities. Long Island Lighting Company, New York, NY, 1993.
Lloyd JD: EARLY Workplace Assessment for The Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries. Neapco Inc., Pottstown, PA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Assessment of Risk and Liability for a Nursing Home. Presbyterian Manors, Topeka, KS, 1993.
Lloyd JD: EARLY Workplace Assessment for The Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries – Electronic Sales Presentation. Pioneer Electronics, CA, 1993.
Lloyd JD: EARLY Workplace Assessment for The Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries. American Honda Aftermarket Accessories Division, 1993.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Analysis of ‘The Upper Hand’ as a Tool for Reducing Physical Stress Caused by Shoveling Activities. Brookhaven National Laboratories, 1994.
Lloyd JD and Casar T: LILCO’s Ergonomics Initiative. Long Island Lighting Company, Gas Construction and Maintenance Division, New York, NY, 1994.
Lloyd JD: Corporate Ergonomics Program for Safety and Environmental Compliance. Nu-Kanu, Inc., Long Island, NY, 1994.
Lloyd JD: Training Manual for Ergonomics Laboratory. PT. Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara, Indonesia, 1994.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Analysis to Identify Physical Stressors in the Workplace. Parker-Hannifin Corporation / Gull, Hauppauge, NY; 1994.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Evaluation of a Hospital Emergency Reception Station with Recommendations for Redesign. John T. Mather Memorial Hospital, Port Jeff, NY; 1994.
Lloyd JD: Anthropometry – Designing for an International Population. United Airlines, CA; 1995.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Guidelines for Control Position and Configuration. United Airlines; 1995.
Krueger GP, Lloyd JD and Casar T: Ergonomic and Biomechanic Best-In-Class Assessment of Five .22 Caliber Rimfire and One .223 Cal Center fire Rifles. c/o Biomechanics Corporation of America, Melville, NY; 1995
Lloyd JD: Ph.D. Course in Human Factors Engineering. Kennedy-Western University; 1995
Lloyd JD: M.S. Course in Ergonomics. Kennedy-Western University; 1995.
Lloyd JD: Ergonomic Assessment of Occupational Risk Factors. Techalloy Company Welding Division, Baltimore, MD; 1995
Lloyd JD: Rapid Ergonomic Assessment of Cumulative Hazards – Hardware Loader and Hardware Unloader. Batesville Casket Company, Manchester, TN; 1995.
Gross C, Lloyd JD and Tabler R: Ergonomics Evaluation of Five Writing Instruments. Center for Product Ergonomics, University of South Florida; 1996
Lloyd JD: Demonstration of R&D capabilities for ergonomic evaluation of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Milwaukee, WI; 1996
Patient Care Ergonomics Resource Guide: Safe Patient Handling and Movement. Patient Safety Center of Inquiry. October 2001
CD-ROM Interactive Training Program on Safe Patient Handling and Movement. VA Employee Education Service. 2002
Instrumented Mannequin for Restraint and Control Training: Final Report. VA Occupational Health, Washington, DC, January 2004
AORN Guidance Statement: Safe Patient Handling and Movement in the Perioperative Setting. AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses), Denver, CO; 2007
Harrow JJ, Lloyd JD, Gironda R, Nelson A, Luther S, Schulz B, Applegarth S, Baptiste A and Cresta T. Final Report – Clinical Biomechanics of Wheelchair Transfers in Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study. Report # B2900P. VA Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Washington, DC; 2007
Lloyd, JD. Tailored Medical Helmets for Specific Patient Populations and Co-Morbidities. Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, Tampa, FL; 2012
Lloyd, JD. Biomechanical Evaluation of Safe Footwear for Institutional Patients, Considering Flooring Materials and Conditions. Patient Safety Center of Inquiry, Tampa, FL; 2012
Ferguson J, Caccese V, Lloyd J. Development of Headwear to Prevent Fall-Related Injuries in Elderly Persons. NIH grant final report. 2014.
Podium Presentations
‘Ergonomics In Action’ seminar discussing the importance of workplace ergonomics. Institute of Industrial Engineers, Chapter 76. Long Island, NY, January 1994
‘Mannequin Man-Modeling and HumanCAD Training Workshop.’ Northrop Grumman Corporation. Bethpage NY, December 1994
‘Biomechanics Evaluation and Comparison of Two Pole Climbing.’ Long Island Lighting Company, Hicksville, NY, September 1995.
‘Introduction to the Center for Product Ergonomics’ NASA Occupational Health Group, Kennedy Space Center, FL; May 1996.
‘Ergonomics Applications in Space’ Bayonet Point Hospital, FL; July 1996.
‘Beyond Bricks and Mortar – Innovations for Senior Living: Ergo-House.’ West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging conference; September 17, 1996.
‘Ergonomics in Action!’ ITESM International Conference, Mexico City; September 24, 1996.
‘Applied Ergonomics in Flightdeck Design’ ITESM International Conference, Mexico City; September 25, 1996.
‘Ergonomics Applications in Space’ Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of South Florida; October 1996.
‘Research Basis for the Development of a Dynamic Median Nerve Stress Test’ American Occupational Health Conference, Orlando, FL; May 16, 1997.
Grand Rounds: ‘Ergonomic applications for Spinal Cord Injury patients’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, FL; May 23, 1997.
‘Product Ergonomics’ OSHA Regional Conference, Clearwater, FL; July 16, 1997.
‘Elderly falling study’. USF Institute on Aging Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL; April 24, 1998.
‘Etiology of musculoskeletal disorders’. Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Healthcare Workers: State of the Science. Tampa, FL; May 14, 1998.
‘Breakthrough research in injury prevention: What technology has to offer’. Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Healthcare Workers: State of the Science. Tampa, FL; May 15, 1998.
‘Ergonomic Risk Factors in the Workplace.’ Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Tampa, FL; February 18, 1999.
‘Introduction to the 3D Static Strength Prediction Model’. National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), Kennedy Space Center, FL; May 14, 1999.
‘How to Evaluate Ergonomic Products’. National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), Kennedy Space Center, FL; May 14, 1999.
‘Repetitive wrist movements: an adverse effect on median nerve conduction’. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). 54th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; September 1999.
‘VA Biomechanics Research Laboratory – Virtual Tour’. James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital, Patient Safety Center Press-Day. November 15, 1999.
‘Patient Safety Center of Inquiry – Technology Innovations Division’. US GAO. March 29, 2000.
‘Work-related carpal tunnel syndrome’. Alabama Governor’s safety and health conference. August 29, 2000.
‘Factors contributing to injuries related to patient handling’. VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference. January 8-10, 2001.
‘Criteria for evaluating and selecting safe patient care equipment’. VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling conference, St. Petersburg Beach, FL; January 8-10, 2001.
‘Redesigning At Risk Tasks: A Panel Discussion., Safe Patient Handling and Movement conference. St. Petersburg Beach, FL; January 8-10, 2001.
Satellite Broadcasts on Safe Patient Handling and Movement. A two part series (4 hours) held August 2001 and repeated in November 2001. Part I includes the Ergonomic Workplace Assessment Protocol for Patient Care Areas. Part II includes Selecting the Right Equipment, Patient Assessment Criteria, Algorithms, and Use of Back Injury Resource Nurses.
‘New and Emerging Technology for Safe Patient Handling and Movement’ VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference, Clearwater, FL; January 16-18, 2002.
‘Biomechanics Research Laboratory: A Virtual Tour’ VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference, Clearwater, FL; January 16-18, 2002.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Friction Reducing Devices.’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; April 25, 2002.
‘Evaluation of Technology to Support Safe Patient Handling and Movement.’ Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference, Clearwater, FL; March 4-7, 2003.
‘Ergonomic Comparison of Overhead Ceiling Lifts and Mobile Floor Lifts’ VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference, Clearwater, FL; March 4-7, 2003.
‘New Directions in Technology for Safe Patient Handling and Movement’ VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference, Clearwater, FL; March 4-7, 2003.
‘Clinical Applications in Rehabilitation Engineering’ University of South Florida MS Rehabilitation Engineering program July 2, 2003.
’Injury Epidemiology and Prevention’ University of South Florida MPH Program. August 9, 2003.
‘Biomechanical Assessment of Pressure-Relief and Repositioning Tasks in Persons with SCI’ AASCIN Conference, Las Vegas, NV; September 2005.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Patient Transport Technologies’ Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. St. Petersburg, FL; 2006.
‘Development of an Intelligent Mannequin for Research in Safe Patient Handling and Movement’ Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. St. Petersburg, FL; 2006.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Injury Severity Associated with Patient Falls from Bed’ Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Conference. St. Petersburg, FL; 2006.
‘Biomechanical Assessment of Independent Wheelchair Transfers in SCI’ AASCIN Conference, Las Vegas, NV; September 2006.
‘Lateral Patient Transfer using a Friction Reducing Device’. November 2006.
‘Vertical Patient Transfer using a Ceiling-mounted Full-Body Lift System’. November 2006.
‘Bed to Chair Transfer using a Powered Stand-Assist Lift’. November 2006.
‘Vertical Patient Transfer using a Floor-Based Full-Body Sling Lift’. November 2006.
‘Coefficient of Friction: The Science of Slips, Trips and Falls’. Florida Justice Association. February 2007.
‘Safe Patient Handling in Operating Rooms’. Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando, FL; 2008.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Patient Transport Tasks’. Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando, FL; 2008.
‘Car Transfer Technologies’. Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando, FL; 2008.
‘Evaluation of Friction Reducing Devices’. Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando, FL; 2008.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Protective Technologies for Fall Injury Prevention’. Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Conference. Clearwater, FL; 2008.
‘Development of Evidence- Based Algorithms for Safe Patient Handling of Orthopedic Patients’. Invited paper presentation at the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 19th International Nursing Research Congress, Singapore. 2008. (presented on behalf of project team by M. Doheny)
Risks and solutions for safe patient handling in operating rooms. 9th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2009.
‘Transfer and Transport: Emerging technology and protocols for safe interdepartmental patient handling’. 9th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2009.
‘Helmet technology to minimize head injuries associated with falls’. 10th Annual Conference on Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices. Clearwater, FL; May 2009.
‘Commercially available mats to prevent bed-related fall injuries’. 10th Annual Conference on Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices. Clearwater, FL; May 2009.
‘Biomechanics of Traumatic Brain Injury’. Florida Public Defender’s ‘Life Over Death’ Annual Meeting. Naples, FL 2010
‘Technology Gaps Associated with Safe Patient Handling and Movement’. 11th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2011.
‘Biomechanics of Pediatric Brain Injury’. Department of Children and Families, Wildwood, FL. July 2012
‘Biomechanics of Pediatric Brain Injury’. Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation conference, Vancouver, Canada. August 3, 2012
‘Developing Helmet Standards and Testing Methods to Protect from Brain Injury’. Proceedings of the ASTM Symposium on Concussion in Sports. Atlanta, GA. November 20, 2012
‘Biomechanics of Pediatric Brain Injury’. Presented at Department of Office of the Public Defender, 13th Judicial Circuit, Tampa, FL. January 2013
‘Biomechanics of Inflicted Head Trauma’. Presented at 4th Penn State Hershey International Conference on Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, June 27-28, 2013, Burlington, VT.
Lloyd J. BRAINS Researchers Reveal Deficiencies in Football Helmet Design (0060) 11th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. September 18-21, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Lloyd J. Biomechanical Evaluation of Head Kinematics During Infant Shaking Versus Pediatric Activities of Daily Living. 11th Annual Conference on Brain Injury (0070). September 18-21, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Lloyd J. Biomechanics of Brain Injuries Associated with Short Falls in Children (0072). 11th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. September 18-21, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
Lloyd J. Using LabVIEW to Design and Evaluate a Better Football Helmet. Tampabay LabVIEW users group meeting, May 21st, 2014. Tampa, FL.
Lloyd J. Using LabVIEW and Compact DAQ for Brain Injury Research. NI week keynote presentation, August 5th, 2014. Austin, TX.
Lloyd J. Using LabVIEW to Design and Evaluate a Better Football Helmet. NI week, August 7th, 2014. Austin, TX.
Lloyd J. Mechanisms of Head and Brain Injury. Manasota Trial Lawyers Association meeting. August 27, 2014
Lloyd JD. Biomechanics of Pediatric Head and Brain Trauma. Death is Different. February 20th, 2015. Orlando, FL.
Lloyd J. Brain Injury in Sports. North American Brain Injury Society 13th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. April 8th, 2016. Tampa, FL
Lloyd J. Biomechanical and Forensic Considerations of Pediatric Head Injury. Juvenile Law Dependency and Delinquency. Hosted by Florida Office of Criminal Conflict. Lake Mary, FL. June 8, 2017.
Lloyd J. Accident Reconstruction and Human Risk Factors in Driver-Impaired Crashes. Hosted by Florida Bar Association, Masters of DUI seminar. Fort Lauderdale, FL. April 5, 2019.
‘Biomechanical assessment and stress test of dynamic postural sway to predict falls in healthy elderly’ Research Day, James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital, Tampa, FL; April 15, 1998.
‘Effect of wrist exposures on median nerve conduction’ Research Day, James A. Haley Veteran’s Hospital, Tampa, FL; April 15, 1998.
‘A Flick of the Wrist’. University of South Florida President’s Council fundraising dinner. Tampa, FL; September 1998.
‘Repetitive wrist movements: an adverse effect on the median nerve’. University of South Florida Health Sciences Research Day. Tampa, FL; February 25, 1999.
‘Neurovascular considerations of median nerve neuropathy and implications for clinical diagnosis’. American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH). 54th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA; September 1999.
‘Safe Patient Room of the Future.’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; April 25, 2002.
‘Stretcher Lift Design and Prototype.’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; April 25, 2002.
‘Whole-Body Biomechanical Model for Dynamic Analysis of Human Motion’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; April 29, 2005.
‘Biomechanical Evaluation of Patient Falls from Bed’. Evidenced-Based Strategies for Patient Falls and Wandering, Clearwater, FL; May 2005.
‘Estimation, Simulation, and Experimentation of a Fall from Bed’ 8th Annual Conference on Fall Prevention Strategies, Clearwater, FL; April 2007.
‘Estimation, Simulation, and Experimentation of a Fall from Bed’ James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; May 2007.
‘Evaluation of Fall Protection and Prevention Technologies’. 8th Annual Conference on Fall Prevention Strategies. Clearwater, FL; April 2007.
‘Estimation, Simulation, and Experimentation of a Fall from Bed’. 9th Annual Conference on Fall Prevention Strategies. Clearwater, FL; April 2007.
‘Biomechanical evaluation of the LiftSeat for independent patient toileting tasks’. 9th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2009.
‘The effects of everyday concurrent tasks on 3D overground minimum toe clearance and gait parameters’. 10th Annual Conference on Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices. Clearwater, FL; May 2009.
‘Impact Testing to Evaluate Materials for Head Protection Devices’. 10th Annual Conference on Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices. Clearwater, FL; May 2009.
‘Toward a Cadeveric Biomechanical Understanding of Brain Kinematics Associated with TBI’. JAHVA Research Day, 2011
‘VHA Trends in the total costs of care for the polytrauma cohort: Disproportionate impact of post-acute inpatient care’. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
‘Toward Biomechanical Understanding of Brain Kinematics Associated with TBI using cadaveric specimens’. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
‘Do Ill-Fitting Helmets Amplify the Risk of Head Injury Among Youth Football Players? – a Biomechanical Analysis, with Discussion for Applicability to Military Protection’. Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
‘Do Helmets Prevent Concussion?’ 8th Annual Conference of Blast Traumatic Brain Injury, December 2011, Tampa.
‘Biomechanics of Blast TBI’. 8th Annual Conference of Blast Traumatic Brain Injury, December 2011, Tampa.
‘Tampa VA Brains Researchers Reveal Deficiencies in Helmet Design’. Military Health Systems Review Symposium. August 2013, Fort Lauderdale, FL
‘How Well Do Football Helmets Protect Against Concussion and Brain Injury? American Academy of Neurology. April 30th, 2014. Philadelphia, PA.
EEG of Concussive Impact in Football. American Academy of Sports Neurology Sports Concussion meeting, July 2014. Chicago.
Military Helmets May Provide Little Protection Against Traumatic Brain Injury. Military Health Systems Research Symposium. August 2014. Ft. Lauderdale.
Lloyd JD & Conidi FX. Biomechanical Evaluation of Helmet Protection Against Concussion and TBI. International State-of-the-Science Meeting on the Biomedical Basis for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Environmental Sensor Threshold Values. November 2014. MacLean, VA.
Lloyd JD, Sabbagh J & Dickey C. Investigating the Effects of Mild Blast Injury on TBI Symptoms and Tau Pathology. International State-of-the-Science Meeting on the Biomedical Basis for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Environmental Sensor Threshold Values. November 2014. MacLean, VA.
Lloyd JD & Conidi FX. Do Football Helmet Add-Ons Reduce Concussion Risk? American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. April 2015. Washington, DC
Conferences Attended
West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging conference; September 17, 1996.
ITESM International Conference, Mexico City; September 24, 1996.
American Occupational Health Conference, Orlando, FL; May 16, 1997.
OSHA Regional Conference, Clearwater, FL; July 16, 1997.James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, FL; April 15, 1998.
Prevention of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Healthcare Workers: State of the Science. Tampa, FL; May 15, 1998
University of South Florida Health Sciences Research Day. Tampa, FL; February 25, 1999.
Alabama Governor’s safety and health conference. August 29, 2000.
VISN 8 PSCI Safe Patient Handling Conference, St. Petersburg Beach, FL; January 8-10, 2001.
Evidenced-Based Strategies for Patient Falls and Wandering, Clearwater, FL; May 2005.
AASCIN Conference, Las Vegas, NV; September 2005.
Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. St. Petersburg, FL; 2006.
Evidence-Based Falls Prevention Conference. St. Petersburg, FL; 2006.
AASCIN Conference, Las Vegas, NV; September 2006.
James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; May 2007.
8th Annual Conference on Fall Prevention Strategies. Clearwater, FL; April 2007.
Florida Justice Association. February 2007.
8th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando, FL; 2008.
9th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2009.
10th Annual Conference on Transforming Fall Management Prevention Practices. Clearwater, FL; May 2009.
Florida Public Defender’s ‘Life Over Death’ Annual Meeting. Naples, FL September 2010
American Academy of Forensic Sciences meeting, Chicago, IL. February 2011.
Introduction to the STAR Helmet Rating System. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA. 2011.
11th Annual Safe Patient Handling and Movement Conference. Orlando. April 2011.
James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; May 2011.
Federal Interagency Conference on Traumatic Brain Injury, 2011
8th Annual Conference of Blast Traumatic Brain Injury, Tampa, December 2011
James A. Haley Veterans Hospital Research Day, Tampa, FL; May 2012.
Evidence Based Medicine and Social Investigation conference, Vancouver, Canada. August 3, 2012
New Orleans, LA. October 13-17, 2012
Special Operation Medical Association / Blast Traumatic Brain Injury, Tampa, December 2012.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Washington, DC. February 2013.
4th Penn State Hershey International Conference on Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma, June 27-28, 2013, Burlington, VT.
North American Brain Injury Society 11th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. September 18-21, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
North American Brain Injury Society 26th Annual Conference on Legal Issues in Brain Injury. September 18-21, 2013. New Orleans, LA.
American Academy of Neurology 66th annual meeting. April 28-May 2, 2014. Philadelphia, PA.
American Academy of Sports Neurology Sports Concussion meeting, July 2014. Chicago.
NI week. August 3-7, 2014. Austin, TX.
Military Health Systems Research Symposium. August 2014. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
International State-of-the-Science Meeting on the Biomedical Basis for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Environmental Sensor Threshold Values. November 2014. MacLean, VA.
Engineering Dynamic Corporation Accident Reconstruction Course. November 10-14. Miami, FL.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting. February 2015. Orlando, FL.
Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Death is Different XXI. February 2015. Orlando, FL.
SAE International, April 2015. Detroit, MI.
National SBIR conference. June 15-17. National Harbor, MD.
ASTM International F08 meeting. November, 2015. Orlando, FL
North American Brain Injury Society 13th Annual Conference on Brain Injury. April 7-9, 2016. Tampa, FL.
World Reconstruction Exposition. May 2-6, 2016. Orlando, FL
National Neurotrauma Annual Meeting. June 26-29, 2016. Lexington, KY.
ASTM International F08 meeting. November 13-18, 2016. Orlando, FL
American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting. February 2017. New Orleans, LA.
Juvenile Law Dependency and Delinquency. Hosted by Florida Office of Criminal Conflict. June 8-9, 2017. Lake Mary, FL.
ARC-CSI Accident Reconstruction Conference. September 18-21. Las Vegas, NV.
IPTM Symposium on Traffic Safety. May 21-24, 2018. Orlando, FL
IPTM Symposium on Traffic Safety. June 3-6, 2019. Orlando, FL
American Society of Biomechanics Virtual Annual Conference. August 3-7, 2020.
American Academy of Forensic Sciences Virtual Annual Conference. February 15-19, 2021
IPTM Symposium on Traffic Safety. June 21-24, 2021. Orlando, FL.
Pix4D conference. October 12-13, 2022. Denver, CO.
WREX 2023. World Reconstruction Exposition. April 17-21, 2023. Orlando, FL
NHTSA Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research, Columbus, OH. October 21, 2024
STAPP Car Crash conference, Columbus, OH. October 22-24, 2024
Teaching Activities – – Graduate Students Supervised
Robert Wilson, MS; USF Department of Electrical Engineering; 1998 – ‘Occupant trajectory determinant for vehicles equipped with airbag protection systems’
Brian Waldron, BS; USF Department of Mechanical Engineering; 2000/1 ‘Engineering evaluation and modeling of harness design in full-body sling lifts’ – served as mentor for MS thesis
Oneida Westhoff, MS; USF Department of Electrical Engineering; 2003 ‘Development of an Instrumented Mannequin for Safe Patient Handling and Movement’ – served as mentor and Professor on thesis committee
Tony Cresta, MS; USF Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2003-6 ‘Biomechanical evaluation of independent transfers and pressure relief tasks in persons with SCI’ – served as mentor and Professor on thesis committee
Sruthi Vasudev Boda, MS; USF Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2003 ‘Clinical evaluation of friction reducing devices for lateral transfer of patients’ – served as mentor and Professor on thesis committee
Roberto Guerra, BS: USF Department of Electrical Engineering; 2004 ‘Development of an Instrumented Mannequin for Personal Safety Training’
Tony Morreli, BS: USF Department of Electrical Engineering; 2004 – ‘Development of an Instrumented Mannequin for Personal Safety Training’
Bonnie Bowers, MS; USF Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2004/5 ‘Biomechanics of Injuries Associated with Falls from Bed’ – served as mentor and co-Major Professor on thesis committee
Fariba Vesali, MD; USF College of Medicine; 2004 ‘Biomechanical assessment of wheelchair transfers in persons with spinal cord injury’ – served as mentor for Medical residency program
Maria Symeonidis; USF Department of Electrical Engineering; 2004 ‘Biomechanics of Injuries Associated with Falls from Bed’
Jeffrey Harrow, PhD, MD; 2006 – served as mentor for Career Development Award
Brian Schulz, PhD; 2007 – served as mentor for Career Development Award
Shawn Applegarth, PhD (c); USF Department of Mechanical Engineering; 2006 – served as mentor for PhD dissertation in biomedical engineering
Karthick Nateson; USF Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2018-9. ‘Comparison of Laboratory and Field Data Acquisition Devices for Human Activity Recording’ – served as a mentor and Professor on thesis committee
Jason Anderson; USF Department of Biomedical Engineering; 2020. ‘Psychology / Biomechanics of Falls Down Stairs’ – mentor and Co-Professor on thesis committee.
Intellectual Property
Automotive Deceleration Indicator. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 4/97.
Automotive Audible Warning (Horn) Intensity Controller. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 4/97.
Determination of Occupant Trajectory in Airbag Protection Systems. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 5/97.
Airbag Deployment Directional Controller. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 5/97. Patent application # WO2001044026A1 published 6/2001. Full patent not pursued.
Airbag Depowerment Strategy as a Function of Impact Vector and Inertial Characteristics. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 6/97.
CPE USF Trademark / Service Mark / Certification Mark for display on ergonomically superior products. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 7/97.
Integrated vehicular security and personal assistance system. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 10/97.
Orthotic device to improve blood circulation in the median distribution of the hand. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 3/98.
Swimming pool feedback eyeball / diverter switch. Filed with USF Patents and Licensing office, 3/98.
Method for biomechanical evaluation of joint kinematics. Filed with Department of Veteran’s Affairs patents and licensing office, 11/99.
Integrated sling for patient lift manipulation. Filed with Department of Veteran’s Affairs patents and licensing office, 11/99.
Technology improvement for air-assisted lateral transfer devices. Filed with Department of Veteran’s Affairs patents and licensing office, 7/02.
Lateral Transfer Accessory. Patent awarded 10/3/06. # 7,114,203
Limb Holding Device. Filed with Department of Veteran’s Affairs patents and licensing office, 09/06.
Cerebral Stress Test for Objective Measurement of Brain Performance. Provisional Patent Application #61841612. 07/13. Full patent not pursued.
Materials and their Application for Protection from Traumatic Brain Injury. Provisional Patent Application #61943488. 02/14. Full patent not pursued.
Impact Absorbing Composite Material. Full US Patent Application. 05/14. Abandoned.
Mathematical Method for Analysis of Helmet Protection Against Head and Brain Injury – filed with US Copyright Office 10/15. Abandoned.
Dr. Lloyd is a distinguished authority in motorcycle accident reconstruction and human factors analysis, with decades of experience. His understanding of the unique dynamics involved in motorcycle crashes sets him apart as a true specialist in the field.
Dr. Lloyd spent his career as a senior researcher at the VA Hospital in Tampa, FL, serving as Director of the Biomechanics Research Laboratory and Director of the Traumatic Brain Injury Research Laboratory. In addition he held a courtesy faculty appointment as Assistant Professor in the University of South Florida College of Engineering from 2002-2022, and is currently the Research Director of BRAINS, Inc.
To date, Dr. Lloyd’s work has been published in six book chapters and 33 peer-reviewed journals, as well as presented at more than 100 national and international conferences (see curriculum vitae).
Comprehensive Approach
Dr. Lloyd goes beyond the obvious and delves deep into the technical intricacies of each case. As a multi-disciplinary expert he combines, accident reconstruction, biomechanics and human factors to provide a holistic view of the accident, ensuring no detail goes unanalyzed.
Accurate Motorcycle Crash Reconstructions
Using state-of-the-science reconstruction tools and real world data, Dr. Lloyd meticulously creates 3D accident reconstructions with unparalleled accuracy. This empowers him to provide precise insights into the sequence of events leading up to the incident.
Human Factors Insight
Understanding the role of human behavior is crucial in accident analysis. Dr. Lloyd’s human factors expertise allows him to investigate the cognitive factors affecting both motorcycle riders and automobile drivers, offering invaluable insights into decision-making processes.
Courtroom Excellence
Dr. Lloyd’s reputation as a credible and authoritative expert makes him an invaluable asset in the courtroom. He excels at conveying complex technical information to the jury in an accessible manner, helping you present a compelling case, backed by robust scientific analysis.
To date, Dr. Lloyd has provided expert witness Deposition and Trial Testimony in more than 160 civil and criminal cases. His expertise in motorcycle crashes, motorcycle riding and operation, helmet protection, biomechanics and human factors has been recognized by courts across the United States and Internationally. The analysis methods that Dr. Lloyd utilizes are published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Unquestionable Expert Integrity
Ethics and integrity are the cornerstones of our practice. You can trust that our analyses are unbiased, objective and founded on the highest standards of professionalism.
Please call Dr. Lloyd at 813-624-8986 or email to discuss how he can be of help to you with your case.
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