Category Archives: motor vehicle crash expert

Motor vehicle crash expert Dr. John Lloyd has served attorneys nationwide for 25+ years in biomechanics, human factors, helmet testing and motorcycle accident expert

Motorcycle Crash Expert Conduct a Comprehensive Accident Reconstruction

How Does a Leading Motorcycle Crash Expert Conduct a Comprehensive Accident Reconstruction?

An expert on motorcycle crashes can reconstruct these accidents for the courts, insurance companies, and legal teams. Here is the process of how a motorcycle crash expert conducts accident reconstruction. 

The Process of Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction

Motorcycle crash experts start from a systematic perspective in reconstructing any accident. To that end, multiple phases of investigation occur: evidence collection, analysis of impact forces, and human factors. Below are the basics of how a crash assessment is reconstructed by an authority such as Dr. John Lloyd: 

  1. Scene Investigation and Data Collection 

The first step of any reconstruction should be an extensive investigation of the crash site. A motorcycle crash expert would collect crucial data, including: 

  • Skid marks and tire tracks 
  • Road condition”s depression, dry, gravel, and uneven 
  • Vehicle damage and final resting position 
  • Witness statements and video footage, if any 
  • Weather and light during the time of the crash 
  • 3D mapping of the scene using a professional drone

Analyzing Motorcycle Dynamics and Impact Forces

  1. Analyzing Motorcycle Dynamics and Impact Forces

The motorcycle helmet expert studies various parameters. Dr. Lloyd conducts a biomechanical reconstruction as a basis for analyzing the rider’s pre and post-collision movements. The effects of helmet protection and the pattern of injuries give an impression of what forces were in play. 

  1.  Human Factors and Rider Behavior Analysis

Human factors are very important in accident reconstruction. Factors studied by Dr. Lloyd include:

  • Perception and reaction time of the rider
  • Visibility and knowledge of the road
  • Hazards such as fatigue, distractions, or impairment
  • Evasive maneuvers attempted by the rider

An expert in motorcycle accidents can determine whether rider error, vehicle defects, or environmental factors contributed to the causation of an accident.

Computer Simulations and Expert Testimony

  1. Computer Simulations and Expert Testimony

Advanced, 3D physics-based computer simulation allows experts like Dr. Lloyd to reproduce motorcycle accidents with high accuracy. Such reconstructions are not only informative to the legal team and adjusters but are also very useful at trial to illustrate the collision sequence. 

In doing so, Dr. Lloyd works as an expert witness, presenting these conclusions in court and supplementing them with scientific explanations for court-related purposes. 

FAQs – Motorcycle Crash Expert

  1. Can accident reconstruction determine fault in a motorcycle crash?

Yes, a motorcycle crash expert studies many aspects to determine liability, including vehicle speeds, road conditions, and rider behaviors.

  1. Why is helmet analysis important in accident reconstruction?

Helmets save lives, and experts like Dr. John Lloyd analyze the damage to a helmet to determine the levels of head impact forces and possible injuries to the brain.

Final Thoughts!  

Accident reconstruction uses a detailed process and requires various specialization in biomechanics, human factors, and vehicle dynamics. Dr. John Lloyd, a well-known motorcycle crash expert, uses a scientific approach to establish causation in various motorcycle accidents. His expertise helps legal teams and insurance companies better understand these often complicated cases. 

Motorcycle Crash Analysis and Accident Reconstruction Require Specialized Experts

Why Do Motorcycle Crash Analysis and Accident Reconstruction Require Specialized Experts?

Motorcycle accidents are some of the most difficult to analyze in traffic accident reporting. Each crash has its unique dynamics, and when coupled with rider and environmental factors, it becomes more complex to analyze than a casual car accident. Unlike occupants of a car, who are usually protected by a frame in the event of a crash, riders are directly exposed to impact forces, making an analysis more complicated. 

This is why specialty professionals have to be consulted for matters requiring motorcycle crash analysis and motorcycle accident reconstruction. It is the physics, biomechanics, and human factors involved in these accidents that only a specialized mind can grasp.

The Complexities of Motorcycle Crash Analysis

The Complexities of Motorcycle Crash Analysis

Motorcycles and cars differ due to their two-wheeled structure, center of gravity, and rider control for balance. Some of the factors that add to the complexities surrounding motorcycle accident analysis are: 

  • Loss of Traction: Wet or slippery road conditions, tire grip, and sudden braking can all lead to skidding and the complete loss of control.
  • High-Speed Instability: Precise touch in handling a motorcycle at high speeds is a must; any inconsideration would make way for grievous crashes. 
  • Rider Ejection Dynamics: Cars are designed in a way that they protect passengers with seat belts and airbags. Therefore, ejections during motorcycle collisions disturb the multiplicity of injury patterns and complicate the analysis of forces and impacts.
  • Very Few Onboard Systems: Comparatively, motorcycles are not often equipped with data logging systems. Though the information from these systems is always used to make accurate notes on a motorcycle accident reconstruction, the lack of such technology puts greater reliance on physical evidence and expert insight.

Why an Accident Reconstruction Expert is Important

An accident reconstruction expert works fundamentally in attributing fault to a motorcycle crash. Such scientists apply scientific principles to recreate the accident site, even considering:

  • Motorcycle Speed and Motion Analysis: Experts estimate impact speed based on skid traces, dispersed debris patterns, and footage from surveillance cameras.
  • Impact-Injury Correlation: Experts analyze rider injuries to recreate how the crash happened and determine if the rider’s protective gear worked as planned.
  • Environmental Conditions: How the road, visibility, and weather conditions favor accident reconstruction experts use for liability deconstruction.
  • Human Factors Analysis: Knowledge of rider reaction time, the decision-making process, and potential distractions prove valuable in determining the sequence of events leading to the crash.

an Accident Reconstruction Expert is Important

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How long does motorcycle accident reconstruction take? 

It depends on how complicated the crash is. A simple case may require a few weeks of investigation, while a major requiring trial may need months.

  1. Can reconstruction be used for cases in court? 

Absolutely! Expert motorcycle crash analysis can provide critical evidence for lawsuits and help insurance companies, attorneys, and courts trace who is at fault or liable.

  1. What would be the qualifications of a motorcycle accident reconstruction expert? 

Experts would have backgrounds in engineering, biomechanics, or law enforcement. Certification in accident reconstruction and experience with motorcycle crashes would be equally necessary.

Final Thoughts!

Accidents require specialized motorcycle crash analysis because they are usually complicated, do not have enclosures, and highly depend on rider skill. Trained Accident Reconstruction Experts can shed plenty of light on the cause of a crash, both justly from a legal and insurance point of view. 

Dr. Lloyd is a recognized authority in motorcycle accident and human factors analysis, having been in the field for decades. His understanding of motorcycle crash dynamics makes him the expert of experts.

Science Behind Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction

Why Does a Comprehensive Motorcycle Crash Analysis Require Expertise in Accident Reconstruction, Injury Biomechanics, and Human Factors?

The motorcycle accident has a certain form of complexity requiring detailed motorcycle crash analysis needing determination of causes and contributory factors. Two aspects considered paramount for analysis include motorcycle biomechanics and human factors, providing the experts with ways to appreciate how the rider’s body responds in a crash and how human behavior affects the outcome of accidents. 

The  Role of Biomechanics in Motorcycle Crash Analysis

Motorcycle biomechanics is the study of how forces interact with the body in the crash. The study provides an understanding of injury patterns, helmet performance, and effectiveness of other protective gear.

The Key Components Of Motorcycle Accident Reconstruction

Understanding Rider Kinematics

A motorcycle crash includes multiple forces acting on its rider. Hence, motorcycle crash expert analyze:

  • The ejection or throw-off of the rider from the motorcycle
  • Impact points on the rider’s body
  • Influence of velocity, angle, or surface conditions on injury

So, Dr. John Lloyd will use the biomechanics analysis to state how those forces induce injuries, thereby providing key information in accident investigations and law cases. 

Performance of Helmet and Protective Gear

Another part of motorcycle crash analysis is the evaluation of helmet protection. The aspects considered by the motorcycle crash experts include:

  • Damage sustained by the helmet and forces due to the impact;
  • Compression of the liner and protection of the skull;
  • Compliance with safety standards (DOT, ECE, Snell). 

Dr. Lloyd’s work in motorcycle biomechanics may help decide whether or not the helmet successfully prevented head injuries or that design faults caused injury.

Injury Causation and Severity Assessment

A biomechanical assessment allows experts to correlate accident dynamics and specific injuries. Such evaluations may include:

  • Fractures and soft tissue injuries
  • Head and spinal trauma
  • Injury severity as a function of crash scenario

Through the analysis of injury biomechanics, the analysis can prove whether safety systems were appropriate or if other factors aggravated an injury. 

biomechanics been useful in analysis


  1. How have biomechanics been useful in analysis?

Motorcycle biomechanics establish the timeline and how forces were acting on the motorcycle rider’s body, which explains the injury patterns and the level of effectiveness of protective gear. 

  1. What importance are human factors in accident reconstruction?

Motorcycle human factors study how rider perception, reaction time, and decision-making can help understand if human error played a role in the crash. 

  1. Is there an analysis of motorcycle crashes that can reveal a defective helmet?

Yes, the analysis of the helmet in the course of the analysis can indicate defects or poor design that could have contributed to head injuries.


The interlinking of motorcycle biomechanics and motorcycle-human factors is vital for realistic motorcycle crash analysis. Dr. John Lloyd, a professional in these fields, investigates injury causation, helmet effectiveness, and rider behavior in crashes based on scientific methodology. His knowledge will illustrate to legal teams, insurance companies, and accident victims the multifaceted dynamics of motorcycle accidents, leading to accurate evaluation and completion of many just cases.

Accident Reconstruction

In the United States there are 11 million motor vehicle accidents each year, more than 400,000 of which result in death. The most common injuries resulting from automobile accidents are to the head, brain, neck, and low back. The evaluation of such cases often involves a team of experts, including accident reconstruction, biomechanics and human factors experts.

As an expert witness in biomechanics and human factors as well as a certified accident reconstructionist for motorcycle crashes, automobile accident, and truck collisions, r. John Lloyd is a highly qualified testifying expert witness.A team of experts including accident reconstruction, biomechanics, and human factors specialists evaluating a motor vehicle accident scene to determine the cause and factors involved in the crash.

Accident Reconstruction

First the accident reconstructionist evaluates the physical evidence from a crash scene, including skid marks, gouges and other roadway markings, along with crush information from the vehicles along with their final rest positions. This evidence is used to calculate the change in velocity of the subject vehicles. 

Biomechanical Analysis

Biomechanics expert analyzing crash anatomy, including pre and post-impact vehicle speeds, seat belt usage, and airbag performance to assess the impact on the human body.The complete anatomy of the crash (pre and post impact vehicle speeds, whether or not seat belts were worn, faulty airbags, etc.) is conveyed to the biomechanics expert.

Biomechanists use this information to determine occupant kinematics (motion of the vehicle occupants in response to the impact), kinetics (forces acting on various body parts as a result of the collision) and injury mechanisms. This can include the impact to the head and forces transmitted to the brain, blunt trauma to the low back, and shear forces to the cervical vertebrae. Findings are used to determine whether impact locations and forces provide a causal explanation for claimed injuries. Hence the biomechanist can provide rationale as to whom was at fault for the sustained injuries.

As an expert witness in biomechanics and human factors as well as a certified accident reconstructionist for motorcycle crashes, automobile accidents, truck collisions, in addition to bicycle and pedestrian accidents, Dr. John Lloyd is highly valued expert for the evaluation of motor vehicle crashes.

Call Dr. Lloyd at 813-624-8986 or email to discuss how he can be of help to you with your case.

Concussion and Brain Injury Associated with Headrest Impacts in Rear End Car Crashes

The following is a case study in which biomechanics expert, Dr. John Lloyd, evaluated the risk of concussion and brain injury associated with headrest impact in rear end crashes.

Headrest Impact Test Apparatus:

In accordance with prior published test methods [1],[2],[3], a test apparatus was constructed to evaluate the biomechanical protection afforded by an exemplar automobile headrest against head and brain injuries during occipital head impacts in a simulated rear-end motor vehicle collision.

The apparatus involves a pendulum arm, attached by bearing housings to a weighted base. The upper body, including neck and head of a 50th percentile Hybrid III crash test dummy was mounted to the pendulum arm. Data acquisition was initiated by triggering an electromechanical release mechanism, allowing the mannequin to fall, under acceleration due to gravity, until the crash test dummy impacted the headrest and backrest (Figure 1). 

Figure 1: Test apparatus

Test apparatus for studying concussion and brain injury associated with headrest impacts in rear-end car crashes, designed to simulate the forces on the head and neck during a collision and measure resulting injuries.

The fundamental elements and principles of this testing have been utilized in other laboratories. By utilizing a Hybrid III neck, the head impact tests are more realistic, causing head rotation at the axis between the head and neck, which produces measures of head and brain angular kinematics. The methods presented herein are based upon standardized test methodologies and published research.


Four PCB Piezotronics tri-axial accelerometers (model # 356A01) were mounted in an X,Y,Z array at the center of mass of the Hybrid III headform, along with a tri-axial angular rate sensor produced by Diversified Technical Systems (composite Figure 2). 

Figure 2: Sensor installation in Hybrid III headform

Sensor installation in a Hybrid III headform involves placing sensors within the headform to measure impact forces, acceleration, and rotational motion during crash tests, helping to assess head injury risks.

Sensor Calibration:

All sensors were calibrated by the manufacturer. Verification of calibration of the linear accelerometers was performed prior to testing using a calibration shaker. Results indicate that the sensors were operating in the specified frequency range and output (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Pre-test verification of linear accelerometer sensors 

Pre-test verification of linear accelerometer sensors ensures the accuracy and functionality of sensors used to measure linear acceleration during impact tests, confirming proper calibration before conducting experiments.

For the angular rate sensor, a simple validation method was devised in which the sensor was affixed to a digital goniometer that was rotated through a 90-degree angle. Using LabVIEW software, the integral of angular rate was computed, reflecting concurrence with the digital goniometer for all three planes of motion (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Pre-test validation of angular rate sensor calibration

Pre-test validation of angular rate sensor calibration ensures the accuracy of sensors measuring rotational motion, confirming their proper calibration before conducting tests to assess impact and injury risks.

Headrest Impact Testing:

The mannequin head was raised from the headrest in 2-inch increments from 2 inches to 30 inches, generating head impact speeds from 1 to 25 miles per hour. Two headrest positions were evaluated, along with two different Hybrid III necks representative of a stiff and relaxed neck (Figure 5), for a total of sixty tests.

Figure 5: Test apparatus with Hybrid III loose neck and headrest in lower position

Test apparatus featuring a Hybrid III dummy with a loose neck and headrest positioned in the lower setting, used to simulate and analyze head and neck movement during crash tests.

Data Acquisition and Analysis:

Data from the analog sensors were acquired in accordance with SAE J211 [4], using a National Instruments compact DAQ data acquisition system and LabVIEW software (National Instruments, Austin, TX). The raw data was then filtered in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, MA) using a phaseless eighth-order Butterworth filter with cutoff frequencies of 1650 Hz and 300Hz for the linear accelerometers and angular rate sensors, respectively.

Angular acceleration values for sagittal, coronal and axial planes were computed from the angular velocity data using the 5-point central difference by least squares method (Equation 1):

Equation 1: Five-point central difference by least squares method

headrest impact test - Five-point central difference by least squares method

Angular acceleration vales were also derived from the array of linear accelerometers, by the mathematical method documented by Padgaonkar et al [5].

Linear velocity was calculated by integrating linear acceleration. Mathematical methods were performed using Matlab to compute characteristic values from variables of interest. Figure 6, below illustrates peak linear acceleration and angular velocity associated with a 6.8 mph occipital head impact against a headrest.

Figure 6: Linear acceleration and angular velocity associated with headrest impact

Linear acceleration and angular velocity associated with headrest impact measure the forces and rotational motion experienced by the head during rear-end car crashes, helping to assess the severity of potential concussions or brain injuries.

It is noted that the major component of linear acceleration was in the X-axis (anterior-posterior), while the major component of angular velocity was in the sagittal plane, as expected. 

Linear acceleration values were used to calculate Maximum Pressure (Equation 2), Gadd Severity Index (GSI) (Equation 3), and Head Injury Criterion (HIC15) (Equation 4).

Equation 2: Maximum Pressure

Maximum pressure refers to the highest amount of force applied per unit area during an impact or collision, often used to assess the potential for injury in crash testing or material deformation.

Equation 3: Gadd Severity Index

The Gadd Severity Index is a measure used to evaluate the potential for head injury based on the acceleration forces experienced during an impact, combining both the magnitude and duration of the force to assess the severity of the trauma.

The Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is an empirical measure of impact severity describing the relationship between the linear acceleration magnitude, duration of impact and the risk of head trauma (Equation 4).

Equation 4: Head Injury Criterion

Head Injury Criterion (HIC) is a measure used to assess the likelihood of head injury in crash tests, based on the acceleration experienced by the head during an impact. A higher HIC value indicates a greater risk of injury.

where a is resultant head acceleration, t2-t1 < 15 msec

With reference to the Figure 7,  below, the HIC value is used to predict the risk of head trauma:
Minor –skull trauma without loss of consciousness; nose fracture; superficial injuries
Moderate – skull trauma with or without dislocated skull fracture and brief loss of consciousness. Fracture of facial bones without dislocation; deep wound(s)
Critical – Cerebral contusion, loss of consciousness for more than 12 hours with intracranial hemorrhaging and other neurological signs; recovery uncertain.

Figure 7: Probability of specific head trauma level based on HIC value

Peak angular velocity was determined as the maximum angular velocity related to peak linear acceleration impact time. Angular velocity values were used to derive Maximum Principal Strain (MPS) (Equation 5), Cumulative Strain Damage Measure (CSDM) (Equation 6), and Brain Rotational Injury Criterion (BrIC) (Equation 7). 

The probability of specific head trauma levels based on the HIC (Head Injury Criterion) value estimates the likelihood of various head injuries, such as concussions or skull fractures, depending on the severity of the acceleration forces experienced during an impact.

Equation 5: Maximum Principal Strain

Maximum Principal Strain refers to the highest amount of deformation experienced by a material or tissue during an impact, used to predict the potential for injury, particularly in brain tissue during crash testing or simulations

Equation 6: Cumulative Strain Damage Measure

Cumulative Strain Damage Measure quantifies the total strain experienced by a material or tissue over time or multiple impacts, helping to assess the risk of injury, particularly in repetitive or prolonged traumatic events like car crashes.

An analysis method validated by Takhounts [6] establishes physical injury criteria for various types of traumatic brain injury and uses Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD) data to establish a kinematically based brain injury criterion (BrIC) for use with ATD impact testing. This method was utilized to express risk of diffuse brain injury according to the revised AIS scale [7] in terms of peak angular head kinematics, where:

Equation 7: Brain Rotational Injury Criterion

Brain Rotational Injury Criterion (BRIC) is a measure used to assess the risk of brain injury caused by rotational forces during an impact, focusing on how rotational acceleration affects brain tissue and increases the likelihood of injuries like concussions or axonal damage.

Headrest Impact Results:

A summary of key results is presented in Table a-d, below. The driver was aware of the pending impact, as he depressed the accelerator in an attempt to avoid the collision in the moments prior to the crash. In rear end collision tests involving human subjects, volunteers instinctively tensed their neck muscles as a protective response.  Given that the driver anticipated the crash his neck muscles were likewise expectedly tense as an instinctive protective response. Therefore, the results most consistent with the subject case are presented in Tables a and b. Rows highlighted in green are consistent with change in velocity experienced by the driver during the subject crash.

Table a: Summary of test results – Neck – Stiff; Headrest – lower position

Test results with a stiff neck and lower headrest position show increased risk of head and neck injuries due to reduced flexibility and altered impact dynamics.

Table b: Summary of test results – Neck – Stiff; Headrest – upper positio

Test results with a stiff neck and headrest in the upper position show that these conditions may reduce the effectiveness of impact absorption, potentially increasing the risk of head and neck injuries.

Table c: Summary of test results – Neck – Loose; Headrest – lower position

Test results with a stiff neck and headrest in the upper position show that these conditions may reduce the effectiveness of impact absorption, potentially increasing the risk of head and neck injuries.

Table d: Summary of test results – Neck – Loose; Headrest – upper position

Test results with a stiff neck and headrest in the upper position show that these conditions may reduce the effectiveness of impact absorption, potentially increasing the risk of head and neck injuries.

Skull Fracture

With reference to Ono 8, none of the impact tests approached the occipital skull fracture threshold of 140 g for impacts lasting longer than 7 milliseconds. Therefore, vehicle headrests provide excellent protection against acute skull fractures at impact speeds below 25 mph.

Traumatic Head Injury

With reference to Figure 7 and Tables a-d, maximum recorded HIC values were consistent with a 5 percent or less risk of moderate traumatic head injury. Whereas, the HIC value computed at impact speeds similar to the crash was only 3.4, at which the risk of minor or moderate traumatic head injury is negligible.

Mild Concussion

With reference to Figure 8 below, the risk of an occupant sustaining a mild concussion in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-1 = 31.744*ln(x) + 6.1748 (R2=0.67). The risk of and AIS-1 mild concussion, without post-concussion syndrome, in such an impact is 64.3% (range 59.7 to 68.8%).

Figure 8: Risk of mild concussion (AIS-1) associated with headrest impact

Risk of mild concussion (AIS-1) associated with headrest impact examines how forces from the headrest during a collision can lead to minor brain injuries, such as concussions, based on the severity of the impact.

Severe Concussion

With reference to Figure 9, below, the risk of an occupant sustaining a severe concussion in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-2 =  0.198e0.234x (R2=0.85). The risk of severe concussion in such an impact is 0.85% (range 0.70 to 1.07%).

Figure 9: Risk of severe concussion (AIS-2) associated with headrest impact

Risk of severe concussion (AIS-2) associated with headrest impact evaluates the likelihood of more serious brain injuries, such as moderate concussions, caused by higher impact forces from the headrest during a collision.

Traumatic Axonal Injury: 

Figure 10, below, is adapted from Margulies et al. 20 in which thresholds for axonal injury were developed and published based on mathematical modeling, animal testing and physical experiments. Results from occipital head impact against an exemplar headrest at a speed of 6.2 miles per hour are represented, indicating that rotational head and brain kinematics associated with such impact are well below scientifically-accepted thresholds for traumatic axonal injury.

Figure 10: Scientific Thresholds for Axonal Injury 

Scientific thresholds for axonal injury refer to the levels of force or acceleration that can cause damage to the brain's axons, often leading to conditions like diffuse axonal injury, which can occur during high-impact collisions or trauma.

Figure 11, below was generated from data presented in Tables a through d, to present the risk of traumatic axonal injury associated with head impact against an headrest.

Figure 11: Risk of traumatic axonal injury (AIS-4) associated with headrest impact

headrest impact test - Risk of traumatic axonal injury associated with headrest impact

Results show that the risk of an occupant sustaining traumatic axonal injury in a rear-end collision producing a change in velocity of 6.25 mph (range 5.4 to 7.2 mph) can be determined based on the following calculation: Risk AIS-4 = 0.0271e0.2391x (R2=0.85). The risk of traumatic axonal injury in an impact of the magnitude experienced by the driver is 0.12% (range 0.10 to 0.15%).


Biomechanical testing of head and brain injury risk associated with occipital head impact against a headrest, in accordance with published methods, shows a significant risk (59.7 to 68.8%) of AIS-1 mild concussion, without post-concussion syndrome, in a 6.2 mph rear-end collision. However, the risk of an AIS-2 severe concussion in such an impact decreases to 0.70 to 1.07%, and the risk of traumatic axonal injury is only 0.10 to 0.15%. Moreover, the mechanical traumatic axonal injury is not consistent with a sagittal plane impact.


[1]     Caccese V, Lloyd J, Ferguson J (2014) An Impact Test Apparatus for Protective Head Wear Testing Using a Hybrid III Head-Neck Assembly. Experimental Techniques.

[2]     Lloyd J & Conidi F. (2015). Brain Injury in Sports. Journal of Neurosurgery. October.

[3]     Lloyd J. (2017). Biomechanical Evaluation of Motorcycle Helmets: Protection Against Head and Brain Injuries.Journal of Forensic Biomechanics. 

[4]     SAE (2014) J211/1. Instrumentation for Impact Test – Part 1 – Electronic Instrumentation. Society of Automotive Engineers International, Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice, Warrendale, PA.

[5]     Padgaonkar AJ, Krieger KW and King AI. Measurement of Angular Acceleration of a Rigid Body using Linear Accelerometers. J Applied Mechanics. Sept 1975.

[6]     Takhounts EG, Craig MJ, Moorhouse K, McFadden J (2013) Development of Brain Injury Criteria (BrIC). Stapp Car Crash Journal 57: 243-266. 

[7]     Abbreviated Injury Scale (2008) Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, Des Plaines, IL.