Motorcycle Helmets Provide Inadequate Protection Against Traumatic Brain Injury

Dr. John Lloyd recently conducted a biomechanical study to evaluate motorcycle helmets in terms of their ability to provide protection against traumatic head and brain injuries. Motorcycle helmet testing proves inadequate protection against concussion and diffuse traumatic brain injuries associated.

Motorcycle accident victims account for more than 340,000 fatalities annually, with the United States ranking 8th highest worldwide in the number of motorcycle accident deaths. 75% of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve brain injury, with rotational forces acting on the brain the primary cause of mortality. Current motorcycle helmets are effective at reducing head injuries associated with blunt impact. However, the mechanism of diffuse traumatic brain injury is biomechanically very different.

Samples of 9 motorcycle helmet models, representing full-face, three-quarter and shorty designs were evaluated. Helmets, fitted to an instrumented Hybrid III head and neck, were dropped at 13 mph in accordance with DOT motorcycle helmet testing standards.motorcycle helmet testing

Results show that, on average, there is a 67% risk of concussion and a 10% probability of severe or fatal brain injury associated with a relatively minor 13mph helmeted head impact.motorcycle helmet testing results

In conclusion, motorcycle helmets provide inadequate protection against concussion and diffuse traumatic brain injuries associated with even relatively moderate impact.