Analyzing a crash scene may be somewhat complex, but can be critical to understanding the nature of the collision. Some of the questions I, as an experienced motorcyclist, consider when performing a crash scene inspection include: What was the general condition of the roadway at the time of the crash? Are there any hazards, such as potholes, gouges, debris, uneven lanes, tar snakes, cattle grids, etc., that could have affected the stability of a motorcycle? Did the topography of the roadway cause or contribute to the collision? Did fluid residue on the road surface affect braking efficiency? Were there any unexpected hazards, such as a hidden driveway? Did roadway design play a factor, such as traffic signals on a curve or below the crest of a hill? Many of these questions, and more, are best addressed through an in-person crash scene inspection.

Coefficient of Friction, or drag factor, of the roadway at the scene of the crash is an important measurement, but one that is rarely completed by law enforcement traffic investigators. Fluids, such as engine and transmission oils from poorly maintained vehicles, often accumulate at or near intersections, especially those with traffic signals.
This residue can reduce motorcycle braking efficiency by 50 percent, or more, especially when wet. The Drag Factor can be easily measured using a simple, but effective tool, known as a Braker Box.
Dr. Lloyd, has obtained his FAA part 109 unmanned aircraft systems pilot license. As part of his crash scene inspection he will fly a drone to capture aerial images and videos at the crash scene. Sometimes, if the crash scene is in the vicinity of an airport, special authorization may be required from the FAA.
By flying a grid mission, as illustrated below, an array of aerial images are captured. A ‘point cloud’ is created using specialized photogrammetry software, to produce a high resolution 3D model of the crash scene.

Please call Dr. Lloyd at 813-624-8986 or email to discuss how he can be of help to you with your case.